Succession Planning

For your business

At 1878 Elix Lawyers, we believe in planning for the future.

So much time is spent on running a successful business, proper succession planning is often overlooked.  If you are involved in a business, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What will happen to my business if something happens to me?
  • Will my family be provided for?
  • What if something happens to my business partner?
  • What about when I want to retire?

We will work with you to prepare a detailed succession plan for your business, including dealing with transition arrangements in the event of retirement, death or incapacity.


For you

Our team is experienced in providing tailored solutions for you to ensure that your family members are adequately provided for should anything happen to you.  Whether you need a simple Will or a complex Testamentary Trust, we will ensure your estate is protected from any special risks posed by your circumstances.

Our business and personal succession planning services include:

  • Wills
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Advance Care Directives
  • Buy Sell Agreements
  • Special Disability Trusts

Our lawyers who can help you: David Elix